My Girlfriend's Notebook
Lively, Inquisitive & Driven
Monday, April 8, 2013
Sunday, March 10, 2013
Some Things I Just Can No Longer Stress About
We all have heard it before and understand the logic of letting things roll off our back but often times our logical self sub-comes to our illogical self and just can't let it roll.
Well that has been happening way too much lately to me (or should I say the last 2 years). Thankfully, with a lot of introspection, I am slowly coming back to reality... albeit not by choice but out of necessity.
What's up??? IDK....what's not UP? ...there's this gnawing feeling I've been experiencing recently way down, way deep down inside of me. Things, all of them intrinsically wrong, have been pushing my buttons. I'm just going to label it stress and leave it at that.
So my journey begins...and here's my list of things that are no longer worth the stress and I am going to let roll off my back.
1. Worrying about what others think and say
2. Seeking approval
3. Thinking I'm overreacting about something
4. Super Mom Syndrome ..thinking I can do it all
5. Affects of Aging
Now I begin the process of just letting it roll. Keep me in your thoughts.
Be Well
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A friend recently told me I needed to let all the "junk" go, like water off a ducks back. |
Well that has been happening way too much lately to me (or should I say the last 2 years). Thankfully, with a lot of introspection, I am slowly coming back to reality... albeit not by choice but out of necessity.
What's up??? IDK....what's not UP? ...there's this gnawing feeling I've been experiencing recently way down, way deep down inside of me. Things, all of them intrinsically wrong, have been pushing my buttons. I'm just going to label it stress and leave it at that.
Stress defined: A constraining force or influence: such as a state resulting from a stress; especially : one of bodily or mental tension resulting from factors that tend to alter an existent equilibrium.
So my journey begins...and here's my list of things that are no longer worth the stress and I am going to let roll off my back.
1. Worrying about what others think and say
2. Seeking approval
3. Thinking I'm overreacting about something
4. Super Mom Syndrome ..thinking I can do it all
5. Affects of Aging
Now I begin the process of just letting it roll. Keep me in your thoughts.
Be Well
Sunday, February 24, 2013
Run Like a Mother!
Run Like a Mother! - Ragnar Relay 2013
Run Like a Mother !
That is what 11 other moms and I have committed to for 2013.
My 5 Month Plan
you know there always has to be one of these..
Put in the Miles - 10-15 miles a week. Lot for me, not so for most others.
Increase individual runs by 10% per week, while making every third week a
easy week of maintenance of previous weeks pace and distance.
Hill Repeat Training. Needed due to the Great River ...lots of hills I
am told. Makes sense since we are running from Winona along the
Mississippi River to St. Paul / Minneapolis.
Incorporate speed training, strength, and cross training (What my
husband refers to as my "what should I do this week?" poking fun of my
never ending jumping around from training to training) which we all know
helps prevent the occurrence of overuse injuries.
Work in back to back runs in 24 hour period last 4-6 weeks before race with several nighttime runs thrown in.
Need to run a few middle of the day, hot summer blacktop get
used to the heat and figure out my re-hydration / glucose strategy to
prevent "Hitting the Wall" due to dehydration or simply running out of
fuel during the run.
For those who know me well will agree, my biggest hurdle will be to not
get caught up in the excitement of the race and start any leg out too
Just Race My Own Race
Keep My Turtle Pace
Be Well
Friday, October 19, 2012
Looking Forward
It's fall, my favorite time of the year. As I watch nature gracefully shed summer luster and reveal autumn's sheer beauty I can't help but think about what I have accomplished (or maybe not accomplished) this past year and start looking forward to what my next year's goals may be.
Looking back in 2012 at my professional life I marvel at how absolutely everyone on our project team pulled together and weathered quite the storm while bringing up multiple new systems for our labs. This involved a lot of hard work, dedication, perseverance, countless hours, and some shedding of tears. But we did it and my hope is that we are better for it as this is still playing itself out. (I know I have learned tons and feel I am in a better place.) I am told by those who have gone before us that the first year is tough. We are nearly half way there.
My fitness goals this year revolved around signing up and completing my first duathlon. I had my sights set on the Iron Girl. What I did not expect was what I would see when I got there. On the road to Iron Girl I decided to sign up for one other duathlon, the Minneapolis Duathlon, to get my feet wet. That race almost did not happen, but with the support of my family and them not allowing me to quit, I completed my first duathlon in sub 2 hours. Not bad for a newbie I guess.
At Iron Girl, although it was my second duathlon, I encountered a wonderful community of women who were all remarkable in their own way. It is an incredible experience to be a part of an event where countless women with their own stories come together with the same end in sight, to complete the Iron Girl. This was a 2 mile run and a 22.8 mile bike followed by another 2 mile run. There were 1350 women registered for this event so imagine the energy and excitement that chilly September morning. To be part of this event, to feel the camaraderie of so many positive women moving together towards a common goal and encouraging one another along the way, was inspiring . As I stood at the finish line and listened to names of others as they crossed the finish line I could not help but feel happy and proud for each of them...such as the 71year old, the obviously expectant mother, or the cancer survivors. It is impossible to describe, only thing I can say is how incredible the human spirit really is.
So as I look forward to 2013 I am thinking what next? Of course more duathlons are in store as I found I just love the bike portions of these races. I have also fastened my eyes on finding a trail run, some century rides / races, MTB'ing in Elm Creek and beyond, and maybe.... just MAYBe ...I may experiment with a beginner triathlon along the way even though I do not like to swim. I guess that's how I step out of my box. How about you? What do you have in mind for 2013?
Be Well
Looking back in 2012 at my professional life I marvel at how absolutely everyone on our project team pulled together and weathered quite the storm while bringing up multiple new systems for our labs. This involved a lot of hard work, dedication, perseverance, countless hours, and some shedding of tears. But we did it and my hope is that we are better for it as this is still playing itself out. (I know I have learned tons and feel I am in a better place.) I am told by those who have gone before us that the first year is tough. We are nearly half way there.
My fitness goals this year revolved around signing up and completing my first duathlon. I had my sights set on the Iron Girl. What I did not expect was what I would see when I got there. On the road to Iron Girl I decided to sign up for one other duathlon, the Minneapolis Duathlon, to get my feet wet. That race almost did not happen, but with the support of my family and them not allowing me to quit, I completed my first duathlon in sub 2 hours. Not bad for a newbie I guess.
At Iron Girl, although it was my second duathlon, I encountered a wonderful community of women who were all remarkable in their own way. It is an incredible experience to be a part of an event where countless women with their own stories come together with the same end in sight, to complete the Iron Girl. This was a 2 mile run and a 22.8 mile bike followed by another 2 mile run. There were 1350 women registered for this event so imagine the energy and excitement that chilly September morning. To be part of this event, to feel the camaraderie of so many positive women moving together towards a common goal and encouraging one another along the way, was inspiring . As I stood at the finish line and listened to names of others as they crossed the finish line I could not help but feel happy and proud for each of them...such as the 71year old, the obviously expectant mother, or the cancer survivors. It is impossible to describe, only thing I can say is how incredible the human spirit really is.
So as I look forward to 2013 I am thinking what next? Of course more duathlons are in store as I found I just love the bike portions of these races. I have also fastened my eyes on finding a trail run, some century rides / races, MTB'ing in Elm Creek and beyond, and maybe.... just MAYBe ...I may experiment with a beginner triathlon along the way even though I do not like to swim. I guess that's how I step out of my box. How about you? What do you have in mind for 2013?
Be Well
Saturday, October 6, 2012
For the Love of the DU
With just under four weeks to train for the Iron Girl I decided the goal for this years race would be to finish the race without injury and enjoy the journey. My trainer instructed me to keep up with my weekly long rides on the hilly outer loop of Elm Creek, to do a brick once a week, and to run hard and fast for 2 miles once a week to work on improving my run time. So that is what I did.
The funny thing is I do not consider my self an endurance athlete. I have had it hardwired into my mind that any training that involves running for more than 30 minutes simply does not match up to what my physique goals are (maintaining muscle mass for my body type)... Trying to maintain muscle and going out for a long run are contradictory to each other when it comes maintaining muscle due to how your body reacts to each. But the Iron Girl race kinda, sorta fits in with my overall fitness goals as it has 2 runs which amount to a combined total time of around 30 minutes plus a longer bike portion which, although endurance in nature, also incorporates major muscle strength due to the nature of cycling by utilizing my friends "Mad Maxx" and "Thunderdomes" ...AKA the gluteus maximus, hamstrings, and quadriceps muscles.
Come race day I was more than pumped up. I had waited so long for this race. It was a really fun day. Us old gals got to go out in the first waves, I was in wave two. I humored myself by thinking I am not that old, I am not the first wave. It was amazing to see all the women , all 1350 of them. That alone was pretty motivating. The oldest woman was 72, the youngest 18. It was very inspiring to see such a large group of active women in one place. It was a beautiful fall morning in September and the crisp fall air was refreshing but chilly. I ran the first leg in 15 minutes. A PR for me.
Transitions to the bike felt pretty great. The bike portion of the iron girl was 22.8 miles. This really was a hilly course. At about mile six I realized I was in my small chain ring. NO wonder I felt like Scooby Doo (feet spinning so fast and going nowhere) on my bike, pedaling fast but not fast enough to keep up with the hill...opps. Once I slide my bike into the big chain it was a much smoother ride. The one thing I have found with both Du races this summer is that I love the bike portion, it rocks! But also that these other chics get in my way. There is some strategy to cycle racing. Just have to say that this intrigues me a bit.
Coming off the bike for the last 2 mile run was , well pretty stinky. My runner legs felt like lead. My self proclaimed turtlehood was super apparent. Here is where I know I can improve for the next time, getting ready for that fast third run off the bike. The good thing is this race, unlike the Mpls Du , was only 2 miles. I kept asking myself what I wanted? to finish 75th or 25th in my age group. I pushed on.
I finished the Iron Girl in 2:00:07....less than 3 mins more than the Mpls Du. I am an Iron Girl! I learned a few lessons and figured out where I can make changes to improve on my time for next year. I am really looking forward to next years race season ... There are a few more Du I am going to jump into. Wish me luck!
Be Well.
With just under four weeks to train for the Iron Girl I decided the goal for this years race would be to finish the race without injury and enjoy the journey. My trainer instructed me to keep up with my weekly long rides on the hilly outer loop of Elm Creek, to do a brick once a week, and to run hard and fast for 2 miles once a week to work on improving my run time. So that is what I did.
The funny thing is I do not consider my self an endurance athlete. I have had it hardwired into my mind that any training that involves running for more than 30 minutes simply does not match up to what my physique goals are (maintaining muscle mass for my body type)... Trying to maintain muscle and going out for a long run are contradictory to each other when it comes maintaining muscle due to how your body reacts to each. But the Iron Girl race kinda, sorta fits in with my overall fitness goals as it has 2 runs which amount to a combined total time of around 30 minutes plus a longer bike portion which, although endurance in nature, also incorporates major muscle strength due to the nature of cycling by utilizing my friends "Mad Maxx" and "Thunderdomes" ...AKA the gluteus maximus, hamstrings, and quadriceps muscles.
Transitions to the bike felt pretty great. The bike portion of the iron girl was 22.8 miles. This really was a hilly course. At about mile six I realized I was in my small chain ring. NO wonder I felt like Scooby Doo (feet spinning so fast and going nowhere) on my bike, pedaling fast but not fast enough to keep up with the hill...opps. Once I slide my bike into the big chain it was a much smoother ride. The one thing I have found with both Du races this summer is that I love the bike portion, it rocks! But also that these other chics get in my way. There is some strategy to cycle racing. Just have to say that this intrigues me a bit.
Coming off the bike for the last 2 mile run was , well pretty stinky. My runner legs felt like lead. My self proclaimed turtlehood was super apparent. Here is where I know I can improve for the next time, getting ready for that fast third run off the bike. The good thing is this race, unlike the Mpls Du , was only 2 miles. I kept asking myself what I wanted? to finish 75th or 25th in my age group. I pushed on.
Be Well.
Sunday, September 30, 2012
In a Blink of an Eye
I set out on a journey years ago....looking for something special that could fully capture my love of movement and allow me to explore nature. For as long as I can remember, I have felt the most free on a bike. My earliest recollection of biking was at 4 years of age on my little red bike tootling down the sidewalk that ran in front of my childhood home on First Avenue. I also remember the day my sister (nearly my Irish Twin) Suzanne went to Kindergarten. I was devastated. Where did I turn; to my little red bike. I remember riding down the street without Suzanne feeling pretty lonesome. Those few hours till she returned home from school seems like forever. Fast forward to the greatest time of my young life, to teenage summers full of fun...and you got it, my method of transportation back in the day was my bike. It took me everywhere.
So it is only natural that I have come full circle, back to the bike at the age of nearly fifty. The freedom I feel on my bike takes me back and at the same time moves me forward. I love the rush of the wind as I pedal over the miles of trails that run through the 4900 acre park preserve that lies just beyond my neighborhood. I love the smell of the trees, the changing colors of each season, the sights and sounds of the animals scampering alongside the trail, but especially I love the quiet beauty of nature which surrounds and gently surprises you with every curve and turn of the trail. This is why I bike. Road Bike, Mountain Bike.
The journey to Iron Girl 2012 happened surprisingly fast and furious. Mostly because my real job this past year has taken so much of my spare time away. Spare time I needed for training. Before I knew it I was looking at August with the stark realization that I only had 3 weeks to train for the Minneapolis Duathlon, the race that was suppose to be my primer to Iron Girl. Just days prior to the Minneapolis Du I was not certain I would compete. We moved our oldest son to college the day before the race and at lunch I announced to my family that I would not be competing in the Minneapolis Du due to my lack of preparation. Their reaction was total surprise, simply because they knew how long I had been planning this race and how badly I wanted it. The looks on their faces told me they did not want me to give up. (My primary worry was that since I had not trained enough I would be at risk of injury.) On the drive home, reflecting on my family's reaction and what the DU meant, I decided to go ahead with the race. With the help of my sideline cheering hubby Lee, I completed the Minneapolis Duathlon on August 26th in under 2 hours.
I learned a bit from that race, mostly logistics, how hard that final run off the bike really is and, most importantly, I learned that I looooovveeed the bike portion of the Du. I went the distance, for the first time ever, completing the Mpls Du, a 5K run, 16 mile bike, and 5K run.
I had four more weeks to train for Iron Girl -with work related road blocks to training popping up at every turn. (to be continued)
Be Well
So it is only natural that I have come full circle, back to the bike at the age of nearly fifty. The freedom I feel on my bike takes me back and at the same time moves me forward. I love the rush of the wind as I pedal over the miles of trails that run through the 4900 acre park preserve that lies just beyond my neighborhood. I love the smell of the trees, the changing colors of each season, the sights and sounds of the animals scampering alongside the trail, but especially I love the quiet beauty of nature which surrounds and gently surprises you with every curve and turn of the trail. This is why I bike. Road Bike, Mountain Bike.
The journey to Iron Girl 2012 happened surprisingly fast and furious. Mostly because my real job this past year has taken so much of my spare time away. Spare time I needed for training. Before I knew it I was looking at August with the stark realization that I only had 3 weeks to train for the Minneapolis Duathlon, the race that was suppose to be my primer to Iron Girl. Just days prior to the Minneapolis Du I was not certain I would compete. We moved our oldest son to college the day before the race and at lunch I announced to my family that I would not be competing in the Minneapolis Du due to my lack of preparation. Their reaction was total surprise, simply because they knew how long I had been planning this race and how badly I wanted it. The looks on their faces told me they did not want me to give up. (My primary worry was that since I had not trained enough I would be at risk of injury.) On the drive home, reflecting on my family's reaction and what the DU meant, I decided to go ahead with the race. With the help of my sideline cheering hubby Lee, I completed the Minneapolis Duathlon on August 26th in under 2 hours.
I learned a bit from that race, mostly logistics, how hard that final run off the bike really is and, most importantly, I learned that I looooovveeed the bike portion of the Du. I went the distance, for the first time ever, completing the Mpls Du, a 5K run, 16 mile bike, and 5K run.
I had four more weeks to train for Iron Girl -with work related road blocks to training popping up at every turn. (to be continued)
Be Well
Monday, July 30, 2012
Drop It Down A Notch
What do you do when life throws wrenches in your best laid training plans?
I am struggling with this currently. I committed to participating in a few races this summer but with other commitments getting in the way I have been unable to truly train for them the way I need to. Today's training was a fine example of how far I still need to go to get to the goals I have set for these races. I think my new nickname (self proclaimed) is now Turtle. I am dropping it down a notch. Wish me luck.
Be Well.
What do you do when life throws wrenches in your best laid training plans?
I am struggling with this currently. I committed to participating in a few races this summer but with other commitments getting in the way I have been unable to truly train for them the way I need to. Today's training was a fine example of how far I still need to go to get to the goals I have set for these races. I think my new nickname (self proclaimed) is now Turtle. I am dropping it down a notch. Wish me luck.
Be Well.
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