"If you never did, you should. These things are fun, and fun is good." ~ Dr. Seuss
____________________________________________________________________My Sports Nutritionist
Jodi Jones www.jodiOjo.com
My Trainers
Jodi Jones www.jodiOjo.com
Maureen Barthel
North Memorial's Fit 2B Well
Velocity Sports Performance
Leah Prodhomme
Endurance Cycling Coach
The Female Body Breakthrough
by Rachel Cosgrove
Clean Eating Cookbook & Ideas
The Eat-Clean Diet Cookbook by Tosca Reno
Clean Eating Magazine
scores of great clean eating ideas out there on the web
Super Set 3
perform 3 sets of each, 1 min rest between sets
A1 . BB Back Squat 10 reps
A2 . Lying on the Floor Windshield Wipers (obliques) Alt sides 10 reps
B1 . DB Single Leg RDL 10 reps each side
B2. Plate Push Toe Touch 10 reps
C1. Pistols (to box) 10 reps each side
C2. DB Push Press 10 reps
D1 . DB Single Arm Bentover Rows, Alt 10 reps
D2. Lawn Mower Pulls, Tube
E1. MB Slams 10 reps
E2. Side Bridges, Hold 1 min each side (single leg advanced)
Sprints (JodiOjo.com)
Rules: Never after or on leg day
Never day of or after max lift
Must do a full body dynamic warm up for at least 10 mins before sprinting
Distance should be how far you can sprint in 10 - 15 secs, no further
Not to be done more than 1x week
This is a major central nervous system exciter which will deplete your energy. Recovery is essential.
1st Set
Standing position start
75% Sprint x3
Walk, jog, back pedal to start
Recovery Walk for 4 minutes
2nd Set
Standing position start
90% Sprint x 3 (quicker acceleration)
Walk, jog, back pedal to start
Recovery Walk for 4 minutes
3rd Set
Runners Start
100% Sprint x3 (accelerate the whole distance)
2nd and 3rd sprint here will feel very difficult, if not impossible to complete.
Do your best to keep accelerating the whole distance. The 3rd try may even feel like you are running in water, too hard to maintain. Try, but may not be able to complete all three physically. You will be spent.
5 -10 Minute Recovery Walk
BB Complex
perform 4-5 sets of 8-10 reps HEAVY with 1-2 mins rest between sets
OH press
OH squat
Back squat
Front squat
BO row
Short on Time? Great way to get a quick high intensity lift in 30-40 minutes. Your heart will be racing, I promise. Enjoy.
Basic Training
Warm Up
20 Lateral Bounds-10 Alternating Forward Lunges-10 Alternating Heel to Bumm
20 Jumping Jacks-10 Alternating Side Lunges-10 Alternating Inverted Hamstring
10 Single Leg Lateral Hop-10 Alternating Crossover Lunges-10 Inch Worms with Pushup
10 Alternating High Knees / Bumm Kicks- YTWI -10 Marching Bridges- 10 Squats to Stand
1A BB Split Squat- 6 Reps x2 mod weight
1B ChinUps- 6 Reps x2 body weight or assisted
Rest 75sec
2A BB RDL - 15 Reps x2
2B DB Push Press 15 Reps x2
2C BB Front Squat 15 Reps x2
2D Stand Cable Row split stance 15 Reps x2
Rest 45 secs
3A Prone Cobra for 60 secs x2
Rest 60 secs
20 bodyweight squats-20 alternating lunges forward-20 split jumps-20 squat jumps
Time yourself, try to beat time each week
Suggest cool down stretch or foam rolling 10 mins
Random goodies found in my gym bag
Big 7
Do 15 reps each. 1 min rest. 3 sets.
Single Leg Jump Squats
DB Military Press
Stationary DB Lunges
ChinUps / PullUps
Single Leg RDL
Plank (hold 90secs)
Down & Dirty (sounds like MP4 again) Full Body Heavy
8 reps max. Heavy! 1 min rest. 3 sets
DB bench press
DB Pullover
DB squat
Really Down and Dirty!
8 Reps. 1 min rest. 4-6 sets
DB DL w/squat thrust
SB decline PushUp w/tuck
DB squat followed by weighted squat jump
DB pullover reverse crunch
PullUp to Burpees
My Fav Functional Fun
Available length for movements, ~ 30 yards
Grouping One: (hybrid of ideas from MP4 / velocity training)
Low Chasse 30 yards and back
20 Prisoner Squats in place
10 each Staggered Pushups
DB Forward Walking Lunges 30 yards (leave DB here)
20 Mountain Climbers
R Lateral Bounds 15 yards turn 180 L Lateral Bounds 15 yards
T Pushups x10
Run to other end to pick up DB
DB Forward Walking Lunges 30 yards to start
Rest 2 mins Repeat
Grouping Two: ( J.Jones @modelper4mance.com)
Starting at one end of 30 yards
Broad Jump X1 forward
Drop to hands do Burpee x1
before lifting hands off turf
Bear Crawl forward 4 steps
Bear Crawl backward 4 steps
Stand up perform Broad Jump x1 forward
Drop to Burpee and repeat sequence with bear crawls for entire length
Rest 2 mins...return 30 yards to start
Group Three:
Crank / MB Sit up Toss ( hybrid of Crank J.Jones @modelper4mance.com / MB training @velocity)
Start with Crank
10 Squat Jumps touching floor between each
10 Split Jumps
10 Mountain Climbers
10 Prone Jacks
10 Pushups
Grab MB, do 10 MB sit ups
with last situp toss MB as far as possible
get up, sprint to MB
Sit down, 10 MB situps to toss / sprint
repeating process the length of field 30 yards.
At end of field repeat Crank (above)
Repeat MB situps / Toss / sprints to start
Repeat Crank
Core Bonus:
Plank to traveling Crab Walk / Inch Worms (choice) 5 yards (hybrid J.Jones @ MP4 / velocity)
Plank 30 secs at start
Crab Walk or Inch Worm 5 yards
Plank 30 secs
Repeat for 15 yards ending with Plank 30 secs
What Are You Doing to Make Yourself? (link)
Little changes can lead to big results.
Work hard.
Fitness is a lifestyle.
Lean on your support system.
Give Tabata a Try
Warning: This workout is not for the light hearted!
Tabata is a high intensity training method using 20 second maximum effort (intensity) followed by 10 seconds of rest, repeated 8 times for a total time of 4 minutes.
Credit for development of this training technigue goes to Dr. Izumi Tabata and team from NIFS in Tokoya, Japan in 1996. Dr. Tabata found in his research that subjects who performed Tabata for 6 weeks gained an increase of 28% in their anaerobic capacity and 14% increase in VO2max or the ability to consume oxygen. His study concluded that 4 minutes of Tabata could do more to boost aerobic and anaerobic capacity than an hour of endurance exercise. The goal of each 20 second round of exercise in Tabata is to do as many as possible and to try to improve that number of reps of each exercise performed each successive week of Tabata training. This training can be done on any piece of exercise equipment such as a treadmill, elliptical, bike or stairmaster. Also can be done by performing compound exercises with your body weight or by adding dumbbells, barbells, medicine balls, kettlebells, etc.
Here's a few samples:
Treadmill Tabata
Warm up. Then perform 4 mins at 5.0 and 3% incline. Then double this by doing 10.0 at 6% incline for 4 mins. Add tabata with 20 seconds of sprinting full speed. Get off treadmill for 10 seconds. Get back on and sprint 20 seconds. Off to rest for 10 secs. Repeat 7 more times for a total of 8 times or 4 minutes total of sprint / rest. Back on to 5.0 and 3% for 4 minutes. Cool down.
Tabata Complexes
Perform 5-10 minutes dynamic warm ups. Follow with 20 seconds of burpees pushups to a chinup. Rest 10 seconds. Repeat burpee pushup to a chinup / rest for total 8 rounds.
Insert burpee pushup to renegade row to DB squat to push press
Or just simplify it to one exercise for 8 rounds of work / rest:
20 seconds of burpees / 10 seconds rest
Squat thrusts
Push press
Work Tabata into your weekly schedule 1 or 2x max.
Be well
I'm going to try this when I have the gym to myself!