Run Like a Mother !
That is what 11 other moms and I have committed to for 2013.
My 5 Month Plan
you know there always has to be one of these..
Put in the Miles - 10-15 miles a week. Lot for me, not so for most others.
Increase individual runs by 10% per week, while making every third week a easy week of maintenance of previous weeks pace and distance.
Hill Repeat Training. Needed due to the Great River ...lots of hills I am told. Makes sense since we are running from Winona along the Mississippi River to St. Paul.
Incorporate speed training, strength, and cross training (What my husband refers to as my "what should I do this week?" poking fun of my never ending jumping around from training to training) which we all know helps prevent the occurrence of overuse injuries.
Work in back to back runs in 24 hour period last 4-6 weeks before race with several nighttime runs thrown in.
Need to run a few middle of the day, hot summer blacktop get used to the heat and figure out my re-hydration / glucose strategy to prevent "Hitting the Wall" due to dehydration or simply running out of fuel during the run.
For those who know me well will agree, my biggest hurdle will be to not get caught up in the excitement of the race and start any leg out too fast....
Just Race My Own Race
Keep My Turtle Pace
Be Well