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For the Love of the DU
With just under four weeks to train for the Iron Girl I decided the goal
for this years race would be to finish the race without injury and
enjoy the journey. My trainer instructed me to keep up with my weekly
long rides on the hilly outer loop of Elm Creek, to do a brick once a
week, and to run hard and fast for 2 miles once a week to work on
improving my run time. So that is what I did.
The funny thing is I do not consider my self an endurance athlete. I
have had it hardwired into my mind that any training that involves
running for more than 30 minutes simply does not match up to what my
physique goals are (maintaining muscle mass for my body type)... Trying
to maintain muscle and going out for a long run are contradictory to
each other when it comes maintaining muscle due to how your body reacts
to each. But the Iron Girl race kinda, sorta fits in with my overall
fitness goals as it has 2 runs which amount to a combined total time of
around 30 minutes plus a longer bike portion which, although endurance
in nature, also incorporates major muscle strength due to the nature of
cycling by utilizing my friends "Mad Maxx" and "Thunderdomes" ...AKA
the gluteus maximus, hamstrings, and quadriceps muscles.
Transitions to the bike felt pretty great. The bike portion of the iron girl was 22.8 miles. This really was a hilly course. At about mile six I realized I was in my small chain ring. NO wonder I felt like Scooby Doo (feet spinning so fast and going nowhere) on my bike, pedaling fast but not fast enough to keep up with the hill...opps. Once I slide my bike into the big chain it was a much smoother ride. The one thing I have found with both Du races this summer is that I love the bike portion, it rocks! But also that these other chics get in my way. There is some strategy to cycle racing. Just have to say that this intrigues me a bit.
Coming off the bike for the last 2 mile run was , well pretty stinky. My runner legs felt like lead. My self proclaimed turtlehood was super apparent. Here is where I know I can improve for the next time, getting ready for that fast third run off the bike. The good thing is this race, unlike the Mpls Du , was only 2 miles. I kept asking myself what I wanted? to finish 75th or 25th in my age group. I pushed on.
Be Well.
Fast Forward to the Summer of 2012
I set out on a journey years ago....looking for something special that could fully capture my love of movement and allow me to explore nature. For as long as I can remember, I have felt the most free on a bike. My earliest recollection of biking was at 4 years of age on my little red bike tootling down the sidewalk that ran in front of my childhood home on First Avenue. I also remember the day my sister (nearly my Irish Twin) Suzanne went to Kindergarten. I was devastated. Where did I turn; to my little red bike. I remember riding down the street without Suzanne feeling pretty lonesome. Those few hours till she returned home from school seems like forever. Fast forward to the greatest time of my life, summers full of got it, my method of transportation back in the day was my bike. So it is only natural that I have come full circle, back to the bike at the age of nearly fifty. The freedom I feel on my bike takes me back and at the same time moves me forward. I love the rush of the wind as I pedal over the miles of trails that run through the 4900 acre park preserve that lies just beyond my neighborhood. I love the smell of the trees, the changing colors of each season, the sights and sounds of the animals scampering alongside the trail, but especially I love the quiet beauty of nature which surrounds and gently surprises you with every curve and turn of the trail. This is why I bike. Road Bike, Mountain Bike.The journey to IronGirl 2012 happened surprisingly fast and furious. Mostly because my real job this past year has taken so much of my spare time away. Spare time I needed for training. Before I knew it I was looking at August with the stark realization that I only had 3 weeks to train for the Minneapolis Duathlon, the race that was suppose to be my primer to IronGirl. Just days prior to the Minneapolis Du I was not certain I would compete. We moved our oldest son to college the day before the race and at lunch I announced to my family that I would not be competing in the Minneapolis Du due to my lack of preparation. Their reaction was pure uber-surprise, simply because they knew how long I had been planning this race and how badly I wanted it. They did not want me to give up. My primary worry was that since I had not trained enough I would be at risk of injury. On the drive home I decided would go ahead. With the help of my hubby Lee, I completed the Minneapolis Duathlon in just under 2 hours.
I learned a bit from that race, mostly logistics and how hard that final run off the bike is. I learned that I looooovveeed the bike portion of the race. The Mpls Du was 5K run, 16 mile bike, 5K run.
I had four more weeks to train for IronGirl with work related road blocks to training popping up at every turn. (to be continued)
Be Well
Monday December 6th, 2011
What the heck was I thinking???
Have you ever had one of those training sessions where you just wanna take the trainer and throw them across the room? Funny thing, but I bet there are many trainers out there thinking the same thing (sort of) I would rather throw her across the room than put up with another whiny client! Enough said.
Last night was one of those moments for me. Don't get me wrong, I adore my trainer. I know that this is what it's all about... a love - hate thing. Yes, that's - HaTE! OK, well let me tell you, I didn't feel it (feel like training) and I was more than just a wee bit off my mark. This was probably my first clue that I should have just stayed home.
Power class is only 2 hours long. OnLY....yes you heard that right. This is not the class to be "just a wee bit off". You need to be spot on, ready to go with a mindset of train hard and make no excuses...not even "I am going to puke!"
Yup, you got that right, little princess almost puked. I lost count of the 15 to 20 second sprints at 97% output and you better stay there or you are off the team...meaning, I hit 27 mph as my peak so I was expected to hit 27 mph mark time, after time, after time, after time (or you are OFF the team, kicked off the island). This is where I lost count and almost lost my guts. And this is exactly when the fun began.
Lovey (aka my trainer Leah ) decided we should emulate a mini duathlon, a friendly sort of little competition. She looks directly at me and says, "I know you are competitive." UGH. Well I am, I admit, but I become a pile of goo when I feel like tossing my cookies. I wanted to curl up and cry. I know, I'm a baby, a pampered one... who's fault is that anyway?? Well here was Lovey's plan: Ride at 17-18 mph for 3 minutes (on the honor system), transition to running around the building 2x...which worked out to around 2 - 3 minutes...and do this 3x. The tying of shoe laces is what really got me...but that's a story for another day, promise.
Wait... back up, doesn't major gagging reflexes disqualify you? Well , no not in Lovey's world. She says to me on transition 2 back to bike, "That is what duathlons feel like, puking." OK, now princess is pissed off. Pissed off because I am in third place behind one gentleman and his wife, and pissed off because I realize I have gotten myself in over my head (again!). As I am throwing daggers at Lovey, she innocently smiles. Man I hate that. Love her, hate her. Just saying.
So where am I going with this...well I took third. Not good enough in my world. And I took that "What the heck am I thinking??" thought and tossed it to the wind. You see, the euphoria after the battle always has me at :
"That wasn't so bad after all."
Kinda like childbirth...just ask my hubster what I had to say after giving birth to my first son. BTW, I puked then too. Hmmmm...I know, it's hard to figure me out so don't even try. Take away message from last night:
I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.
Yup you got that right.
Be well
Monday November 14, 2011
" Oh what a night!" ...go ahead, sing with me. All I can say is WOW! That was a fun ride. [grinning ear to ear]
So let's recap this baby. As my title indicates, the theme of a night at power cycling {for me really} is depletion. They say you gain sailor legs quickly...and I say you gain "biker" legs quicker when you train with accomplished triathlete Leah Prudhomme at Maple Grove Cycle.
It was a weird sensation for this avid cross-training lover. I love to mix it up, you know that. So the weirdness was what my legs felt like after class, immediately and post for ~8 hours. They hurt! Can't really explain it because it was not was too soon for that. They ached, but not in a injury type was an extreme fatigue type way. My large leg muscles were completely depleted of all glycogen, in a way I have never experienced before. OK, duh, now I get it. So... I am a bit slow. This is what triathletes experience on race day but probably more acutely, that I am sure. My glycogen stores were ransacked, left with not-da. The good news is that I am certain I built some mitochondria that night. Yay!
Well what happened. It went something like this:
Arrived 15 mins early to get Roadie (my bike) set up on a trainer. First thing Leah explains is that biking on a trainer for 2 hours is like riding on the street for 4 hours. OK, that is trouble with a capital T. Second thing she mentioned is that mental toughness makes or breaks ya. Let me tell you I am stubborn and very motivated by others, so in this environment I excel. But put me on a trainer at home and uhmmm...probably would not have made it more than the first 30 mins. We spent the first 15 minutes warming up. That was cool. The next 30 or so minutes was spent riding hard. Intervals aimed at hitting 25mph at 90 fast as you can go. Lots of things happened during this first round but it all is a blurrrrr to me now. Once Leah was satisfied that we were half dead, we were instructed to hop off our bikes and donn our running shoes for a quick two timer around the building followed by a set of wall squats "till the cows came home".
Next we trained hills. That was FUN! I loved this part of the class. Almost felt like I was flying out on the backside paths of Elm Creek. For kicks and grins [hops] Leah led us through some climbing plyometric stair work. Single leg hops up a rather long flight of stairs X6 and two leg double stair bounds up the stairs X6. Again, good time. {sick woman that I am, just saying}
Round three was Tabata training. This kicked my ArsE. Yup, that nearly killed me. Here is where I could barely hit 20 mph pedaling as hard and fast as I could. Did I tell you 20 seconds feels like an eternity? Yes it does. But all for the better.
The good news was I went home, refueled my glycogen stores and DOMS. Just to prove my point, this workout was nothing like a hard fast heavy lift in the weight room. It was a glycogen deplete, endurance building session doing exactly as designed: building power! Thanks Leah that was great. Can't wait till next time....
The good news was I went home, refueled my glycogen stores and DOMS. Just to prove my point, this workout was nothing like a hard fast heavy lift in the weight room. It was a glycogen deplete, endurance building session doing exactly as designed: building power! Thanks Leah that was great. Can't wait till next time....
Be Well
November 12
Been getting after some great workouts the past two weeks with Velocity and lifts designed by Jodi. Power and speed...agility too. Man I love to run, to move. Perpetual motion, that be me. Drives some of my friends nutso, though. Wondering what my co-workers are going to think when I bring my newly purchased SB to work with me tomorrow. Might have to devise a door for my cubie so they don't have to watch me bounce all day. IDK, is that worse than fidgeting all day long? Hmmmm...
So the plan this week is to start into the power classes at the local bike shop with coach extraordinaire, Leah. Let me tell you I am just a wee bit nervous, but then again, looking forward to learning something new. At age 47 with life makings its turns, ones I do not like at all lately [more on that later], I am up for anything new and exciting...
so tomorrow is the big day. PeeWee's big adventure. I will post the gory details ASAP, promise.
Also starting to make plans for next years races [rubbing hands together]. Have set my eyes on three. One in June, August and September. One of my peeps at Velocity also talked me into running the Polar Dash on new year's day! [envision my bucket list getting shorter] Yup, you got that right, in the dead cold of winter. Well what do you expect out of a northern gal like myself. They make 'em tuffer up here, ya know? [RRRight!] So I headed out to Fleet Farm the other day to pick up my very own Carhartt hat with face mask and snow chains for my shoes. I think the real name are traction devices or Yaktrak pro's. Yes, that is it. Well this is all I got for you today. Posted on FB, goin' after it!...that I am, I promise.
Be Well
November 1, 2011
10 days have come and gone since last posting my training progress. Last week was a big "wash" out. You see, Epic was in town for work which equated to long work days thus no time for training and then I headed out of town with my peeps for the weekend, a girls get-a-way. The only bodily workouts where deep elbow bends to my face ....feed lots & drink more. Ugghh! But it was fun I must admit. I did pop in two walks out in the beautiful northern outdoors. Whew.
So the game plan is??? Well not really clear yet, but Jodi does have a plan. Something about training for power and speed. In week two of lifting. I am starting to realize that I forgot how great these lifts really are. They are short, sweet & effective. DOMS have reacquainted themselves with my lower half but, dare I say, the lower half needs it. Time to tighten up, not only the legs but also the nutrition. Speaking of, check out my fuel page for some meal plans.
The downside of all this great late summer & early fall roadin' and MBTin' is my upper torso is getting weaker. My .22 calibers are whittling away. Pushups are killer, just saying. Gotta get after it, back at it, and throw it around.
OK then, off to the gym tomorrow too. All smiles with bells on.
Be well.
October 22, 2011
Let's see what has gone down this past week, well quite a bit, but the funniest moments have to be the multiple times I bit the dust and of course revenge of the chipmunks.
I hit the trails this week. First it was Windy Wednesday. What gives. It is thought that when the seasons are fighting for control, the wind whirls like crazy. This week was no exception. Windy, windy, windy...but who thinks that is going to stop me, especially when it's a beautiful [albeit windy] sunny fall day. Wednesday evening after just 3 short days of for a work week, I hit Elm Creek trails on my roadie [road bike that is]. Fell over [on the bike] trying to get out of the hood. Yes, still trying to master how to clip in & out of my bike cleats. OUch, that left a mark. Hopped on the paths to the outer loop. Man I felt like I had lead in my quads. Ugh, 18 miles and barely over 15 mph. know, crazy lady no like those results. Then things got a little weird. I hit a chipmunk with only just over one mile to go. EWWWWW......Crusty crab crud!!! I did not look back, so don't bother asking me [a few poor souls did BTW] if I killed him. Apparently not, by the looks of the sign that was posted the next day on my office window:
![]() |
Try to run me over now.....punk! |
Well, I say game on!
Thursday, another lOVEly day in the great state of MinnEsota...I hit the MTB trail. Camera in tow. It was great fun, but again, someone has been riding my beast...gears changed. Go figure how that makes a difference, but discovering this after I am on task up the steep inclines and fast declines of the MTB trail makes for a not so happy mama. Then count the slippery dry conditions of the trail and BAM! Oh damn, that is really going to leave a mark. Looking back quickly to assess if anyone witness this major side slide wipe out that happened so fast I cannot even begin to tell you what happened. DID I day I like MTBing?? Uhmm, well, yeah. I do. Still do. Even bumped and bruised. I think I have to blame the Beast. My little sisters bike needs new nubbies.[tires] That is my story and I am sticking with it. OK. so I did accomplish another full trail ride on the intermediate and collected a few nice pix to boot:
Also wanted to tell you I had a monster sighting. Yup, this chic started on the trail ahead of me with this MTB , monster variety. UGLiest thing I have ever seen. Beast is funny looking but those monster MTB's are really not pretty. Just saying. I hear they are great for jumping obstacles.
Saturday in the park, today was a short sweet fast spin on Roadie for the short loop. Speaking with my trainer and bud Jodi, I learned my lead quads are probably due to dehydration. YOu see, I have not been drinking my H20 like I should and again not getting nearly enough veggies in my day. SO you now know what my goals for the coming weeks will be. Buck up on the H2O and the veggies. But the good thing is I felt the MTB trail in my bumms . Great! I love it when we work those babies. Makes this girl happy.
Tomorrow, MTB game on!
Today was a pretty big day. Hit the gym early on for my final freebie Velocity class. Tyler killed us. Speed and agility...hmmm. Well that is what he said it was but today was all about a 25lb plate and all the different ways you can torture yourself holding onto such an item. Starting with single leg dead lifts followed by single leg hops 5yds. Alternating 40 yds. Then killers. 5-10-15-20-15-10-5. Headed over to the squat rack for 10 pull ups just to give us a break. This went on for 40 mins with various movements with the plate, sprint killers, pull ups. The last killer comprised of Up Downs at each marker. That was GREat
Then it was off to the bike shop for a fitting for my new[used] bike!!! Yay! Travis at Maple Grove Cycle was the hero of the day. He took my one size too small bike [yes I have amazon arms and a cheetah looong torso] and adjusted the saddle and stem, gave me new pedals and a bike monitor, and whhaa laaa! I am ready to ride more comfortably. Can't wait to get my bike out and give her a test ride. Not so sure the wind is going to allow me to venture out tomorrow tho so maybe I simply will hit the mountain bike trail which would be mostly protected from the wind. Always a great alternative way to burn up my legs for a day.
I am ready to roll....
October 13, 2011
The air is crisp and cool. The colors are vibrant. I am afraid fall is upon us.
You know I really love this time of year, I do...but with my recent interest renewal (aka love) in cycling and my self professed need for speed have me yearning for an extension of summertime with it's longer hours of daylight.
duathlon "feels" like, how to transition, and how hard to pace each leg of the race, etc.
Today my fabby trainer Jodi and I talked about my overall physique goals (strong toned arms, legs) and how the bike will affect my legs. We talked about my functional fitness goals and how these can be maintained by training at Velocity. How continuing my practice of yoga on a regular basis is essential. How my lifting programs will emphasize tempo instead of heavy . But I am excited to try something new this off season. I am going to incorporate cycle power training classes at the local bike shop throughout the winter.
I am pumped to start power training
with elite athlete Leah Prudhomme to learn the sport of cycling and the strategies behind competitive racing. Things such at power, AT, cadence, and endurance I guess. Things I can't even begin to talk about because I have no idea at this time what they are. My hope is to increase my speed and be one of the top women finishers in my age group in the Iron Girl.
Lofty goal? Yes. But fun to think about, don't you agree?
Lofty goal? Yes. But fun to think about, don't you agree?
I am off [to the races]...
___________________________________________________________________________________October 9, 2011
Let me did this all get started?? Oh I remember now, we were in the car traveling at warp speed round the 694-Hwy10 interchange when Kaylene announced we should do the Iron Girl! The Iron what? She explained it was a run - bike - run. OK, hmmmm.... you got me intrigued now. (So you mean I don't have to swim and face my fear of drowning on a weekly basis during training or figure out how to peel off a wetsuit while in transition.)
We were headed for the MN State Fair Milk Run and were chatting about what races we should do next year, what our training goals should be. I was already contemplating a sprint Tri and had enlisted the support of Kacie, my girl at VSP and avid Triathlete, regarding the what's, how's, & when's of the sport. Kacie and I had sat down and looked at possible races. She also quickly found several races for the end of this season but I still needed a bike. I decided yes I would enter the 2011 Iron Girl but the registration closed on me overnight. How know the story, you snooze- you lose. So after getting my vintage hybrid bike overhauled at the Maple Grove Cycle and taking it on a spin I discovered I still could not get the old bird to go fast enough. It still needed more work.
That's when I hit Craig's List and found this little gem. I am now proud owner of my first road bike. I kinda feel like a toddler with their first trike. Very excited, just saying. I need to take this bad girl in for a checkup and get fitted.
We were headed for the MN State Fair Milk Run and were chatting about what races we should do next year, what our training goals should be. I was already contemplating a sprint Tri and had enlisted the support of Kacie, my girl at VSP and avid Triathlete, regarding the what's, how's, & when's of the sport. Kacie and I had sat down and looked at possible races. She also quickly found several races for the end of this season but I still needed a bike. I decided yes I would enter the 2011 Iron Girl but the registration closed on me overnight. How know the story, you snooze- you lose. So after getting my vintage hybrid bike overhauled at the Maple Grove Cycle and taking it on a spin I discovered I still could not get the old bird to go fast enough. It still needed more work.
That's when I hit Craig's List and found this little gem. I am now proud owner of my first road bike. I kinda feel like a toddler with their first trike. Very excited, just saying. I need to take this bad girl in for a checkup and get fitted.
I am on my way...