Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Craving Some Carbs?

 OMGosh, I think I've died and gone to heaven...this cereal rocks.
Since 1908 the recipe for Uncle Sam's Original Cereal has not changed.

  • Ingredients: Wheat Berries, Flax, Malt, and (a little) Salt
  • NO sugar, No additives, Nothing I cannot pronounce!

Plus a whopping 10 grams of fiber per serving, how could it get any better (for you). Give it a try. I found it at Trader Joes
or go to: Attune Foods for this and other yummy good for you bites to eat.

Be Well

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Doors Open When Our Knees Hit The Ground

When darkness and confusion envelope our existence...

When tears are shed over love lost or never found...

When friendship leaves you empty hearted...

When you give and give but never receive...

We all seemingly have to go through life changing pain, it's part and parcel to the human experience. Individually, we deal with emptied broken hearts as best as we can, emerging uniguely transformed as surely as the sun will rise. Working on ourselves in these tough times seems counter to rational thinking but can be instrumental in healing and self renewal.

Moving forward one step at a time through the pain of the past brings us to a place of hope and renewed strength. Transformations happen by hitting the floor on both knees and opening our hearts to change. New beginnings, startovers, are for the better....that's all I can ask and hope for. You too?

Be Well