Sunday, November 20, 2011


Monday November 14,  2011

" Oh what a night!"  ...go ahead, sing with me.  All I can say is WOW! That was a fun ride.  [grinning ear to ear]

So let's recap this baby.  As my title indicates, the theme of a night at power cycling {for me really} is depletion.  They say you gain sea legs quickly via rough waters...and I say you gain "bike" legs quicker when you train tough with accomplished triathlete Leah Prudhomme at Maple Grove Cycle. 

It was a weird sensation for this avid cross-training lover.  I love to mix it up, you know that.  So the weirdness was what my legs felt like after class, immediately and post for ~8 hours.  They hurt!  Can't really explain it because it was not was too soon for that.  They ached, but not in a injury type was an extreme fatigue type way.  My large leg muscles were completely depleted of all glycogen, in a way I have never experienced before.  OK, duh, now I get it. So... I am a bit slow.  This is what triathletes experience on race day but probably more acutely, that I am sure. My glycogen stores were ransacked, left with not-da.  The good news is that I am certain I built some mitochondria that night. Yay!

Well what happened. It went something like this:

Arrived 15 mins early to get Roadie (my bike) set up on a trainer.  First thing Leah explains is that biking on a trainer for 2 hours is like riding on the street for 4 hours.  OK, that is trouble with a capital T.  Second thing she mentioned is that mental toughness makes or breaks ya.  Let me tell you I am stubborn and very motivated by others, so in this environment I excel. But put me on a trainer at home and uhmmm...probably would not have made it more than the first 30 mins.  We spent the first 15 minutes warming up.  That was cool.  The next 30 or so minutes was spent riding hard.  Intervals aimed at hitting 25mph at 90 fast as you can go.  Lots of things happened during this first round but it all is a blurrrrr to me now.  Once Leah was satisfied that we were half dead, we were instructed to hop off our bikes and donn our running shoes for a quick two timer around the building followed by a set of wall squats "till the cows came home".  

Next we trained hills.  That was FUN! I loved this part of the class.  Almost felt like I was flying out on the backside paths of Elm Creek.  For kicks and grins [hops] Leah led us through some climbing plyometric stair work. Single leg hops up a rather long flight of stairs X6  and two leg double stair bounds up the stairs X6.  Again, good time. {sick woman that I am, just saying}

Round three was Tabata training.  This kicked my ArsE. Yup, that nearly killed me.  Here is where I could barely hit 20 mph pedaling as hard and fast as I could.  Did I tell you 20 seconds feels like an eternity?  Yes it does.  But all for the better.

The good news was I went home, refueled my glycogen stores and DOMS.  Just to prove my point, this workout was nothing like a hard fast heavy lift in the weight room.  It was a glycogen deplete, endurance building session doing exactly as designed: building power!  Thanks Leah that was great.  Can't wait till next time....

Be Well

Sunday, November 13, 2011

No Grass Growing Under My Toes...

Been getting after some great workouts the past two weeks with Velocity and lifts designed by Jodi.  Power and speed...agility too.  Man I love to run, to move.  Perpetual motion, that be me.  Drives some of my friends nutso, though.  Wondering what my co-workers are going to think when I bring my newly purchased SB to work with me tomorrow.  Might have to devise a door for my cubie so they don't have to watch me bounce all day.  IDK, is that worse than fidgeting all day long? Hmmmm...

So the plan this week is to start into the power classes at the local bike shop with coach extraordinaire, Leah.  Let me tell you I am just a wee bit nervous, but then again, looking forward to learning something new.  At age 47 with life makings its turns, ones I do not like at all lately [more on that later], I am up for anything new and exciting... 
so tomorrow is the big day. PeeWee's big adventure. I will post the gory details ASAP, promise. 

Also starting to make plans for next years races [rubbing hands together].  Have set my eyes on three.  One in June, August and September. One of my peeps at Velocity also talked me into running the Polar Dash on new year's day! [envision my bucket list getting shorter]  Yup, you got that right, in the dead cold of winter. Well what do you expect out of a northern gal like myself.  They make 'em tuffer up here, ya know? [RRRight!] So I headed out to Fleet Farm the other day to pick up my very own Carhartt hat with face mask and snow chains for my shoes.  I think the real name are traction devices or Yaktrak pro's.  Yes, that is it.  Well this is all I got for you today.  Posted on FB, goin' after it!...that I am, I promise.  
Be Well

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

All Smiles with Bells On...

November 2, 2011
11 days have come and gone since last posting my training progress.  Last week was a big "wash" out. You see, Epic was in town for work which equated to long work days thus no time for training and then I headed out of town with my peeps for the weekend, a girls get-a-way. The only bodily workouts where deep elbow bends to my face ....feed lots & drink more. Ugghh!  But it was fun I must admit.  I did pop in two walks out in the beautiful northern outdoors.  Whew.

So the game plan is??? Well not really clear yet, but Jodi does have a plan. Something about training for power and speed.  In week two of lifting. I am starting to realize that I forgot how great these lifts really are.  They are short, sweet & effective. DOMS have reacquainted themselves with my lower half but, dare I say, the lower half needs it.  Time to tighten up, not only the legs but also the nutrition.  Speaking of, check out my fuel page for some meal plans.  

The downside of all this great late summer & early fall roadin' and MBTin' is my upper torso is getting weaker. My .22 calibers are whittling away. Pushups are killer, just saying.  Gotta get after it, back at it, and throw it around. 
OK then, off to the gym tomorrow too.  All smiles with bells on.
Be well.