Sunday, March 10, 2013

Some Things I Just Can No Longer Stress About

We all have heard it before and understand the logic of letting things roll off our back but often times our logical self sub-comes to our illogical self and just can't let it roll. 

A friend recently told me I needed to let all the "junk" go, like water off a ducks back.

Well that has been happening way too much lately to me (or should I say the last 2 years). Thankfully, with a lot of introspection, I am slowly coming back to reality... albeit not by choice but out of necessity.  

What's up???  IDK....what's not UP? ...there's this gnawing feeling I've been experiencing recently way down, way deep down inside of me. Things, all of them intrinsically wrong, have been pushing my buttons.  I'm just going to label it stress and leave it at that.

Stress defined: A constraining force or influence: such as a state resulting from a stress; especially : one of bodily or mental tension resulting from factors that tend to alter an existent equilibrium.

So my journey begins...and here's my list of things that are no longer worth the stress and I am going to let roll off my back.

1. Worrying about what others think and say
2. Seeking approval
3. Thinking I'm overreacting about something
4. Super Mom Syndrome ..thinking I can do it all
5. Affects of Aging

Now I begin the process of just letting it roll. Keep me in your thoughts.

Be Well