Sunday, October 31, 2010

The Apple of Your Eye

Fall Fruit

Since I have been on the "get 'em while they're hot!" kick lately, I thought it appropriate to share with you my love of fruit. Hey, they say I am a bit fruity, so if you can't beat them, join them!

Apples really have stolen my heart, but before I go there, I feel obliged to mention that there are many great fruits at their peak through November. Bananas, Clementines, cranberries, grapes, grapefruit, kiwi, oranges, pears, kumquat, persimmons, pomegranates, and tangerines.

Apples, ah yes...

The Apple of My Eye or An Apple A Day Keeps The Doctor Away

Apples, from my research, are the most varied food on the planet, according to the US Apple Association.  There are over 7,500 known varieties worldwide, with at least 2,500 varieties grown in the US. As for Minnesota, the Haralson apple is the number one grown, with production at 50%. The Fireside apple introduced in 1943 is known as "The Minnesota Delicious". In 1991 the Honeycrisp apple, a cross between Macoun and Honeygold varieties developed by University of Minnesota research, stole my heart.  The Honeycrisp fast became a worldwide favorite with production rarely meeting demand, making this apple sometimes hard to come by and a bit spendy. The Honeycrisp is well worth searching out, by my estimates. Other well know Minnesota varieties are the Courtland, McIntosh, Keepsake, Sweet Sixteen, and Regent, just to name a few.

Apples are bursting with fiber (4-5 grams per medium apple), vitamin C, and flavonoids such as quercetin. The apple skin is jammed with cancer fighting polyphenols which stop free radicals in their tracks. How this happens is really quite intriguing. When polyphenols are introduced into a system of damaged cells (diseased) the polyphenol sends a message to the damaged cell to "self destruct" with no negative side effects to the host.  Way cool! Who wouldn't want to partner with an apple for the protection against free radicals.

Well then, get me my apple!

Apples make a great snack.  I heard once, somewhere in my meanderings, that if you think you are hungry and it's not quite snack time, drink some water.  Often times we are dehydrated and our tummy turns on the growls, but if you feel that you can eat a whole apple, then snack away. Don't forget to add a little protein as a side dish to your apple and enjoy.

When shopping for your apples look for firm apples with minimal broken skin marks and no bruising. Store in your refrigerator crisper for up to one month.

Be Well, I am heading to my frig crisper for a Honeycrisp, honey.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

More Fall Veggies

Variety is the spice of life.

That is what they say.
Looking for some variety for your palate this fall then head to the store and conduct a search and destroy mission...well destroy meaning bring it on home and prepare to feast.

Sweet Potatos
Have I told you how much I adore these precious little goodies?
For 130 calories you get a whopping 200% dosage of your daily vitamin C plus powerful antioxidants, great anti-inflammatory babies!

A nutrient dense veggie packed with fiber, vitamin C, folate, magnesium, calcium, potassium and phosphorus...all in only 60 calories per serving.

Beets and Carrots
Beets are a powerhouse with only 35 calories: Vitamin C, iron, beta carotene and then some!
Carrots are, well, what your mother told you to eat: One large carrot contains 30 calories with a dose of vitamin A, B6, C and Niacin. Yummy and good for your eyes!

Finally! Collard Greens
What on earth? Deeee-lish leafy green, low in cals but high in nutrients: 1 cup provides 5 gm of fiber, 300% vitamin A, plenty of thiamin, potassium and riboflavin. 

So what are you waiting for? ... Go get 'em while they are hot!

Be well.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Fat Loss 101

Wanna talk fat loss? Why fat, why not weight?
Weight is not bad, fat either, for that matter, but I believe I have some fat paddies to spare.
One of my many mantras is
Baby, you don't walk around with your weight (lbs) plastered to your forehead.
What I mean is, your friends see you, just sweet, beautiful you.
I don't know about you, but I am glad.
Glad they don't see the numbers. 
So lets get to this, ladies!

In order to burn fat, first we must eat.....and eat every 3 hours.
No more tummies growling mid-morning, reach for that snack!
Then it's time to light the fire, and get glowing. (um, sweat dear)
Let's sweat.

Our training options...
Well you know the score, there are so many to choose from.
Today we start with cardio, since most of my friends are cardio queens.
NOTE: We will not go steady state! Just say NO!
If you want to run, please run, walk! or for those hardcore gals, run hills or sprints! :) teehee

In Photo:
Sweet Lyvia
You go girl!

Want to jump on the treadmill, fab...
Elliptical, even better, no jarring those lovelies! ;)

Here is the gig:
Commit to me for four weeks....
 HIIT me with your best shot....
HIIT ( High Intensity Interval Training)

Week One:
Frequency: 3-5x week
5 min Warm up, dolltime, it's a must. Nice pace, not killer, not yet.
Level 5 (half way or 50%) for 120 seconds
Level 2 (recovery or 20%) for 120 seconds
Repeat 4x
Cool Down, 5 minutes. Nice pace to recovery.

Week Two:
Frequency: 3-5x week
5 min Warm up
Level 6 for 60 seconds
Level 2 for 120 seconds
Repeat 5x
Cool Down

Week Three:
Frequency: 3-5x
5 min Warm up
Level 7 for 45 seconds
Level 2 for 60 seconds
Repeat 6x
Cool Down

Week Four:
Frequency 3-5x
5 min Warm up
Level 8 for 30 seconds (your really cranking now friends!)
Level 2 for 60 seconds
Repeat 8x
Cool Down

Next month we will have to talk details for mixing this up.

Get moving with HIIT!
Be Well

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Technology Rocks

You could label me a gadget freak. I love my techy toys. Some consider them essential but really, I bet I could do without.

If I think back to my pre Palm days, I was the proud owner of a Casio electronic address book and one of the earliest cell phones which looked something like a walkie-talkie. Man I have to say I was happening.

Fast forward. Along comes smartphones. I held off a long time you'll have to admit but recently became the proud owner of a Droid. It's the Iphone wannabe. Exactly! From the get go this app addict has been in hog heaven but as it turns out it more closely resembles purgatory. The passion and excitement of being with the best....almost. It burns a bit when blogging, texting, dialing the screen disappears, sometimes just for a moment but at other times totally to a reboot. Worse, the Screen freezes...oh boy, then all is lost.

So due to contractual agreements and" can you hear me now" service I am stuck with the Droid and still an Iphone wannabe. That is why I think I can do without, without the frustration. True gadget freaks have the Itoys, as the rest of us sit on the fence thinking do I really need that and pay the price of frustration.
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.2

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Fuel to Burn Fat

Foods of the Month
Pumpkin and Squash

October, ah yes, fall and 'tis the season of pumpkins and squash.
What could be better than a bowl full of butternut squash soup, yummmy!

Buying in season saves 30 to 60% on the cost of produce, makes cents.
Pumpkin and squash currently are at their peak in nutritional value and flavor.
When shopping look for firm, heavy squash and pumpkin, preferably without blemish.

Besides being so tasty, these babies are FULL of fiber. Fiber helps our fat loss efforts in numerous ways such as assisting in the processing of dietary fat, scrubbing our intestines clean, slowing the absorption of sugar, and helping control our insulin response (low the glycemic index food) at mealtime. Fiber also creates a sensation of fullness, helping us feel fuller sooner, longer which helps avoid snacking between meals.
In addition to fiber, pumpkin and squash provide a good source of potassium, great for heart health and lutein, which is good for our eyes....didn't your mother tell you to eat your carrots??

NutriTip: Pumpkins, Squash are are starchy carbs so get these babies in early on in your day when energy needs are at their highest.

Be well

Friday, October 1, 2010

Fat Loss 101

Getting Lean
My Motto: Keep it simple sweetie (KISS)

Let's start out with a brisk walk for 30 minutes every other day.

Eat Healthy Foods
Begin by eliminating from at least one meal all (overly) processed foods.

Eat Smaller Portions More Often
Eat every 3 -4 hours and never, never, never skip a meal.

More details to come so check back soon.

Be Well