Saturday, August 20, 2011

Pre & Post WO Snacking

Why all the Confusion surrounding  Pre & Post WO snacks?
This topic always seems to bring out some pretty strong opinions from various you really need to fuel prior to and after strength training....? 

In my mind you walk a fine line between not getting enough fuel to build muscle and getting too much fuel (calories) which can then lead to energy storage in the form of fat.  With that said, I stand as an proponent of fueling your muscles, pre and post.  Do include these snacks in your daily caloric tracking. They count.  Plan for them much like you plan for your splurges. Just for the record, I feel much better after a killer workout when I  down my post workout shake. Yumm-O.... It snaps me right out of fatigue mode. .. thank goodness.  Below I jotted down the plan developed for me by my sports nutritionist, Jodi, at  She comes highly recommended, BTW...enjoy.

Be Well

My Pre Work out Fuel- (10-30 mins before WO)
ratio 1:2

10-12 g protein
20g carb from fruit or starches

protein: best choices
whey powder, egg whites, chicken, turkey, cottage cheese, fruit on bottom yogurt -greek if possible
fruit: apples, bananas, grapes, pineapple
starches: rice cakes (brown rice) / jam
crackers, granola, cereal
My Post Workout Fuel -10 mins before workout ends to 30 mins after- no later!
ratio 1:3

10-12 g protein
30 g carb from starches

protein: see above
Starches: rice cakes/jam, Choc Milk, oatmeal, brown rice, bread

Superfood (aka green / red food) supplements work great here!! Consider including them.  Your bod will thank you.

Choc Milk!!!! is easiest
Note: Whey protein powder with Nestle Nesquik is a great alternative...adjust amounts to ratio’s above as needed.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

It's Just What I Do

I seem to attract a tiny bit of "curiosity" surrounding what I eat and how much I work out.  So I thought, hey, let's put it out there... so there is wondering no more.  

First rule
There are no rules, only habits, preferences, splurges and playing (my term for workouts) smart.

I like to play hard. By that I mean, when I hit the gym, I hit it hard.  I work as hard as possible (unless I only showed that day to socialize, which I am famous for by the way) to quickly make the most out of any workout. That usually means interval / hybrid type training which includes functional ( compound ) movements paired with a complimentary isolation movement.  

Example training sessions can include plyometrics, sprinting , agility (thank you VSP), or strength training. Recovery and rest, ahh..don't forget your rest. Sleep and recover - get a full nights sleep and give your body rest from play at regular (or not so regular to keep your body guessing) intervals.  I like to mix up what days I work out. Sometimes I go three days in a row (never more for me) with the fourth day off, or I may choose to work out every other day for a short period, say two to three weeks, before hitting it hard again.  Hitting it hard would be training three days on, one off, three days on, one off, repeat...for a period of 4 weeks -ish. 

Nutrition is always one way you can make a huge difference in your body composition but also proves to be one of the most difficult to master.  My advice: Fall in love with nature...a la naturale.  Develop a taste for the food without the additives (anything boxed or overly processed) and not so necessary diet sabatogers such as too much salt, mayo, butter, dressing, etc.  Spice up your food with diet smart seasonings (such as sage, garlic, oregano, cilantro, etc) and a product I cannot live without, True Lemon, True Lime, and / or True Orange... granular juice from the fruit themselves. 

Variety is the spice of life and trickery to the body.  To keep your metabolism bouncing, eat every three to four hours and mix it up. I mean it, miX iT Up.  Try not to eat the same thing or the same amount of calories day in and day out.  Bounce your metabolism.  Yup... bounce.

Eat breakfast like a queen or king, when you need the extra energy the most. Eat within the first hour of getting up and skip giving your body starchy carbs (such as sweet potatoes, sprouted grain bread, whole wheat pasta, etc) later in the day or at supper.  Hey isn't that when you want them the most?? Yep again.  Well, try, mostly, to eat veges and lean protein at supper.  Think grilled fish with asparagus.  Again think miX iT Up....some days have only one starch, other days two, and then of course, a day with three. I love my three starch day. 

Splurges: This has got to be the best part of it all, the splurge. Do not forget to plan your splurge. Maybe you go out for dinner every Saturday night with your sweetheart(s).  That would be your splurge meal.  We all need them. But what we do not need is too many splurge days in a row.  Stay on track.  Avoid eating poorly for more than one day, ok?   This may be the closest thing to a rule I may have.  

Finally, but not the least: Drink your H20.  Get 'er done. Drink the water and eat healthy. Stay on track  so your body will truly operate like the well oiled machine that it was designed to be.

Be Well

Saturday, August 6, 2011


Peanut butter is one of those items in my pantry that is always available. The guys in my house thrive on it.  I prefer the natural variety, with no added sugar...just peanuts and salt. They of course choose Jif.

....but what about nut butters.  I love the alternatives.  Cashew [mouth watering] butter, for one, is yum and on my all time favs list. Nut butters are full of protein, fiber and essential fatty acids. I hope you too will step out of the box and grab up a jar of nut butter on your next trip to Whole Foods or Trader Joes.... here are your choices:

Almond Butter:
Excellent source of vitamin E, magnesium [attention migraine sufferers], and bone protecting calcium.  Almond butter has eight times the calcium than peanut butter.  Spread on toasted wheat muffin and add a drizzle of honey.

Walnut Butter:
Gets lots of attention and deservedly so.  A  fatty acid powerhouse, walnut butter has nine times more heart protective omega 3's than the closest nut.  Some studies have shown metabolism shifts with consumption of this little guy, showing  our bodies effectively increase fat oxidation after eating walnuts. Now there's a smart snack. Try it inside your whole wheat pita with grilled chicken and lettuce.

Cashew Macadamia Butter
Well I think I have died and gone to heaven. This nut butter rocks.  With little tidbits such as selenium, a thyroid supporter, palmitoleic acid which appears to rev metabolism and oleic acid for happy hearts you cannot go wrong. Try spreading ricotta cheese and cashew macadamia nut butter on ciabatta. Add banana slices, pinch of shredded coconut and cinnamon. Grill on panini press. Yummmyyyy.

Sunflower Seed Butter:
Another great alternative to peanut butter. Loaded with magnesium, this makes for a healthy snack. Add it to your toast and jelly, celery sticks, etc. A great alternative to those with peanut allergies of course. A newcomer to the store aisles that deserves a stab in the it right off the spoon.

Be Well