....but what about nut butters. I love the alternatives. Cashew [mouth watering] butter, for one, is yum and on my all time favs list. Nut butters are full of protein, fiber and essential fatty acids. I hope you too will step out of the box and grab up a jar of nut butter on your next trip to Whole Foods or Trader Joes.... here are your choices:
Almond Butter:
Excellent source of vitamin E, magnesium [attention migraine sufferers], and bone protecting calcium. Almond butter has eight times the calcium than peanut butter. Spread on toasted wheat muffin and add a drizzle of honey.
Walnut Butter:
Gets lots of attention and deservedly so. A fatty acid powerhouse, walnut butter has nine times more heart protective omega 3's than the closest nut. Some studies have shown metabolism shifts with consumption of this little guy, showing our bodies effectively increase fat oxidation after eating walnuts. Now there's a smart snack. Try it inside your whole wheat pita with grilled chicken and lettuce.

Cashew Macadamia Butter
Well I think I have died and gone to heaven. This nut butter rocks. With little tidbits such as selenium, a thyroid supporter, palmitoleic acid which appears to rev metabolism and oleic acid for happy hearts you cannot go wrong. Try spreading ricotta cheese and cashew macadamia nut butter on ciabatta. Add banana slices, pinch of shredded coconut and cinnamon. Grill on panini press. Yummmyyyy.
Sunflower Seed Butter:
Another great alternative to peanut butter. Loaded with magnesium, this makes for a healthy snack. Add it to your toast and jelly, celery sticks, etc. A great alternative to those with peanut allergies of course. A newcomer to the store aisles that deserves a stab in the jar...eat it right off the spoon.
Be Well
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