Tuesday, December 13, 2011

What the heck was I thinking???

Have you ever had one of those training sessions where you just wanna take the trainer and throw them across the room?  Funny thing, but I bet there are many trainers out there thinking the same thing (sort of)...man I would rather throw her across the room than put up with another whiny client! Enough said.

Last night was one of those moments for me. Don't get me wrong, I adore my trainer. I know that this is what it's all about... a love - hate thing.  Yes, that's it....love - HaTE!  OK, well let me tell you, I didn't feel it (feel like training) and I was more than just a wee bit off my mark.  This was probably my first clue that I should have just stayed home.  

Power class is only 2 hours long.  OnLY....yes you heard that right.  This is not the class to be "just a wee bit off".  You need to be spot on, ready to go with a mindset of train hard and make no excuses...not even "I am going to puke!"

Yup, you got that right, little princess almost puked.  I lost count of the 15 to 20 second sprints at 97% output and you better stay there or you are off the team...meaning, I hit 27 mph as my peak so I was expected to hit 27 mph mark time, after time, after time, after time (or you are OFF the team, kicked off the island).  This is where I lost count and almost lost my guts. And this is exactly when the fun began.

Lovey (aka my trainer Leah ) decided we should emulate a mini duathlon, a friendly sort of little competition.  She looks directly at me and says, "I know you are competitive."  UGH. Well I am, I admit, but I become a pile of goo when I feel like tossing my cookies.  I wanted to curl up and cry.  I know, I'm a baby, a pampered one... who's fault is that anyway?? Well here was Lovey's plan:  Ride at 17-18 mph for 3 minutes (on the honor system), transition to running around the building 2x...which worked out to around 2 - 3 minutes...and do this 3x. The tying of shoe laces is what really got me...but that's a story for another day, promise.

Wait... back up, doesn't major gagging reflexes disqualify you?  Well , no not in Lovey's world.  She says to me on transition 2 back to bike, "That is what duathlons feel like, puking." OK, now princess is pissed off.  Pissed off because I am in third place behind one gentleman and his wife, and pissed off because I realize I have gotten myself in over my head (again!).  As I am throwing daggers at Lovey, she innocently smiles.  Man I hate that.  Love her, hate her.  Just saying.

So where am I going with this...well I took third.  Not good enough in my world.  And I took that "What the heck am I thinking??" thought and tossed it to the wind.  You see, the euphoria after the battle always has me at : 
"That wasn't so bad after all."

Kinda like childbirth...just ask my hubster what I had to say after giving birth to my first son.  BTW, I puked then too. Hmmmm...I know, it's hard to figure me out so don't even try.  Take away message from last night:

I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.

Yup you got that right.
Be well

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