It always seems impossible until it is done.
You have heard something like this before from me, so this idea should come as no surprise. It's just my way of thinking. And I am guessing that some of you are "visual" gals just like me, so see if what I have today intrigues you.
We all have a vision. Places, people, possessions we'd like as a part of our lives. I'd like to suggest a Vision Journal to capture those aspirations. Not a vision board, that doesn't stow away too easily. Stay with me, here.
Let's start with health and happiness. We are on a journey called life and along the way we all have hopefully encountered great things and of course, some not so great things. My goal today is to help you reach out for the dreams you have inside you. Deep inside you, dreams, wishes, goals, aspirations, needs.

To shape and ultimately direct your dreams, let's map it out. That's where the Vision Journal comes in. Think of it this way, the Vision Journal is your treasure map, a map to that special place only you can envision. Then let's connect your vision to images. These images may be inspirational people, quotes, words, ideas, which spur you on towards your dream.
Sit quietly and ask yourself what it is you want. Maybe images will float into your mind or maybe a word. The point is to relax, take some time to process slowly and deeply. Let your ego step aside a little and let the innate or primordial instincts flow. Unleash your imagination. Let go of your rational thinking and just be.
After some contemplating, page through magazines and look for images that trigger a physical reaction inside you. A double take, a gasp, a sudden urge, warm feelings, a quickened beat of you heart. These feelings should register deep from within, from your heart, your stomach, your lungs.
Ohhhh!! Aaahhh! Whoa! !!!!!! ?????
Now comes the easy part. Tear pages out of magazines of the words, pictures, images that moved you and start placing them in your journal. Jot down your feelings alongside the pictures if necessary. Arrange them in an order that seems logical to you.
The idea is to have a journal you can pick up at any time to jot down notes, feelings, inspirations. A journal you can pick up and page through to remind yourself of where you are going and where you have been. A journal that allows you to step out of this world and into a place where you are surrounded by who you want to become, what you want to have, where you want be be. Your vision journal should clarify your desires, elevate feelings of self worth and accountability, and clearly communicate to yourself and others lifelong aspirations obtained and yet to be.
What started me on this path today was my inspirational partner and trainer, Jodi. Check her out at The Truth About Goals and sign up for her Run for Your Buns e-blast. Don't miss it, really, I am just saying!
Be Well