Friday, January 14, 2011

Baby It's Cold Outside

It's snowing again.  Really?  So any guesses on how much snowfall we have endured to date?  I *shiver* when I think hard about it...yes hard, cause really I try hard NOT to think about winter...mind over matter, anyone with me here?

Well the positive, glass half full persona is busting loose so we might as well talk winter fitness. Winter is a great time to get outdoors and workout as long as you have the right gear and realize that your nosey, fingers, and toes will get chilled.  Your mission: Cover your ears, find your best gloves and get outside.  Activities such as snowboarding, snowshoeing, Xcountry skiing, and even boot hockey are king.  You are guaranteed to burn cals and I betcha your core gets HOT! Uhm..gonna make you a bit sweaty, but it's well worth the fun you'll encounter as you mix it up with your winter workout outside.

Ok, my  little pretties, princesses: Don't feel like going out?  How about TRX? Any takers? Or, what about a good ole body weight workout.  Even online you can find great training tips, ideas, and workouts.  Try You Tube or Bodyrock.TV.  DVD's or FitTV are always another great fall back option. We just gotta move it. *Churning my arms* *singing loudly*

For you spunky monkeys:  Try this body weight indoor winter challenge and blast your way into tomorrow.

Do exercise #1, rest 20 secs. Do exercise #1 & #2, rest 20 secs. Do exercise #1, # 2, & #3, rest.  Continue adding one exercise at a time followed by a short rest till you have done all eight in a row. Comprendo?

1. Step Ups : 10 per leg
2. DB Punches: 20 Punches alternating
3. Push Ups: 10x
4. Bear Crawls: 10-20 forward then backward
5. Mountain Climbers: 40x alternating
6. TriDips: 20x
7. Squat Jumps or Squats: 20x
8. Low Shuffle DB Drop:  20x (place 1 DB ~10ft in front on floor, Start on one end with DB in hand, low side shuffle to other side, drop DB, pick up 2nd DB, shuffle back, drop DB, repeating back and forth)  

Have fun doing your thing and try it outdoors, I dare ya!
Stay Warm & Be Well!

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