Well it's time to reinvent the wheel...or at least our thinking around resolutions and stop banging our heads against the wall. May I suggest we start working on some basics and just get over our culture that continually tells us we are not pretty, slim, sexy, or smart enough. We know better.
Here is where I have to say; You are a beautiful, wonderful, and exquisitely interesting woman (man) that I am blessed to have as a friend. So there!!!
Here are some simple ideas, ones you have seen elsewhere I am sure, to incorporate into your daily going-ons. Sleep, Work out Smarter, Eat Real Food, Manage Stress, and Supplement.
"To achieve the impossible dream, try sleeping." ~ Unknown
Sleep accomplishes multiple important things...offering balance biologically, metabolically, and hormonal. Several recent studies indicate getting a minimum of seven hours of sleep consistently can boost your weight loss efforts. Disruption of your circadian sleep rhythms messes with appetite which can lead to potential weight gains. Some other biological responses to poor sleep are the interruption in the replenishment of important biochemicals or the release of hormones such as melatonin or human growth hormone. I don't know what you are thinking, but I am thinking I need all the HGH I can get! So let's get some sleep, yay! Like six to nine hours (dependent on your normal needs) of uninterrupted sleep in the dark. Easier said than done, I know, but keep in mind that sleep is vital, so practice going to bed at a consistent time every night as a start. (hint: good goal)
Ah...nothing better than a good nights rest
Work out Smarter
Together we will discover new ways to workout smarter and harder in less time. Long, slow, mindless aerobic exercise is not gonna get us the physique we want. I am an advocate of working productively and fast! Maybe its my short attention span or simply that I am impatient. (Are those the same? LOL) I'll admit it... you will not find me anywhere near the treadmill or elliptical for endless, upon even more endless hours. Been there, done that and watched my rear end expand. Uhmmm...no thank you. No girl deserves an imbalance of such proportions. One other thought provoking question: have you ever seen a chubby sprinter? Nah. Let's mimic that and use some power in our training by incorporating multiple short bursts of high intensity training followed by short rest periods. Intervals, Sprints, Circuits, Cranks between Giants all come to mind. Here's the segue for My Girlfriends Notebook excitement re: hosting Guest Bloggers very soon. Keep your eyes peeled for a posting in the works by our one and only Kacie from VSP and her tips and techniques for sprinting your way to a fabulous new you. This is all so much more fun than burning an hour up on the treadmill with steady state, just saying. Your mind, muscles and lungs will thank you.
Eat Real Food
No matter what you eat, make sure it rarely comes with barcodes attached. Grass fed red meat is a great option. But avoid beef grown commercially. Those poor babies have too much hormones and antibiotics given to them. Eggs are one of natures perfect protein sources. Do not throw out the yolk. It has half the protein of the egg and other goodies for your brain and eyes. Hahaha, goodness knows I need those nutrients with this forty something body and brain. I have previous postings about nutrition so check those out. Don't forget to track your intake to get a good grip on what you are eating. Soon I will attempt the carb post I promised a bit back. For today but here is another version of my favorite smoothies:
Going Green Smoothie
1/2 C. plain greek yogurt
1 C. green grapes
1/2 C. fresh pineapple chunks
1/2 med banana
2 C. fresh spinach
1/2 C. ice cubes
Stress Management
One of the likely contributors to aging and death is stress. It weakens our immune system and accelerates any disease process making recovery difficult. Stress is also associated with weight gain. Stress just messes with us. Yuk! Let's go jump into the bubble bath or practice some deep breathing. Even going for a leisurely walk or reading a good book can be relaxing . The key is find what works for you and do it. Your body will thank you many times over.
You already have all the resources you need
The fab five are just good insurance....here you go:
1. Fish Oil, Flax Oil (Omega baby)
2. Vitamin D
3. Good Multi
4. Magnesium/Calcium
5. BCAA's
Be Well
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