Be forewarned, the following IS for the light of heart compliments of Lee, my guest blogger for the day.
Random thoughts
The can send a man to the moon, but they can’t invent a machine that you can just sit on and it does the exercise movements for you with all of the benefits to your body.
There is a reason that most vegetables are grown in the ground.
Why can’t “good things” be good for you and “bad things” be bad for you?
Exercise... the poor person's plastic surgery.
My wife told me “I love being surrounded by dumb bells”. Huh???
God must love calories, because he made so many.
That’s not sweat…that’s my body crying!
Funny how my wife “Hurt” her back right after hearing that we were getting 15” of snow.
My wife suggested a book for me to read to enhance our relationship. It’s titled, “Women are from Venus, Men are Wrong.”
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