Monday, November 8, 2010

Rev Up Your Engine - what do you say?

Monday equals: do over day, back in the saddle cookie, start over, think again.

This is a offshoot of my previous posting Rev Up Your Engine. Uh, actually, it's an assignment. Time to get busy and pick your madness. 

What am I ranting about?

I want you to pick one thing from the list. What list?  Take your little mouse and hover over Rev Up Your Engine above to see.  Pick the item from the list you can stick to, I mean stick to like glue! for 2 weeks. I am asking you for two weeks of 90% compliance. ( Ok, now I'm sounding like I am at my day job - on Bug Patrol.)

Seriously , what's it gonna be? Don't go for two, only one. If you can only give me 70 to 80% effort on this one, stop reading now and go back to your couch. 

I will post more about my favs in the weight room another day. Today it is all about making a new habit.  So what did you choose.  You are beautiful and strong, get to work on fine tuning your life one step at a time.  Hey, you don't believe me, head over to Model Per4mance and check out one of my other favs in this world, my trainer Jodi and her wise side kicks. 

Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh...I almost forgot, along with your one habit change, please considering doing two, no... three other things for me.

Grab a notebook and start journaling your nutrition (everything you eat a day, and I mean everything right down to the 3 mini snickers you stole from your kids Halloween stash....opps, that was me!), your exercise, your emotions, your day. Do this for 2 weeks, and I promise in return I will post some little tidbits about why.

Take a multivitamin every day and throw in an Omega-3 fish oil supplement too.

Want a recap?
1.  Pick one habit you will stick to for two weeks and just do it.
2. Start a journal, nothing fancy, any notebook will work.
3. Take a multivitamin and fish oil daily.

Be well.

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