Made my way Yoga class yesterday.
Let me tell you, it was a much needed break my body appreciated in this cutting phase.
Before class every joint ached, muscles were crying of fatigue.
My Goal: Relax and Rejuvenate
Yoga is flexibility, strength, & balance wrapped up in one.
Moving through various poses, releasing the build up of lactic acid, the root of the muscle stiffness, tension, pain (good kind), and fatigue.
Loosening up, increasing my joint range of motion, created a much needed sense of fluidity, ease.
Feeling the release of tightness in my soft tissues, or in other words, my ligaments, tendons, muscles and surround fascia, was invigorating.
Yoga really is essential for increasing gains in strength of the shoulders, trunk, core and legs.
Downward Dogs
Upward Dogs
Runners pose
Balance poses improve posture, decrease stress and calms the nervous system.
What more could you ask for.
My body thanked me, rewarded me with a great nights sleep, restful peace.
Why not give it a try?
Be Well
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